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The problem of bulky waste disposal is solved by the shredder

Article published:2024-02-29

The problem of bulky waste disposal is solved by the shredder

As environmental issues are gradually being taken seriously, energy conservation and environmental protection have become the development themes of various countries, which have begun to provide opportunities for industrial development of waste treatment. The average annual growth rate of garbage in the world is 8.42%, while the growth rate of Chinese garbage is more than 10%. The world produces 490 million tons of garbage every year, and China alone produces nearly 150 million tons of municipal waste every year. The cumulative stock of domestic waste in China's cities has reached 7 billion tons. Under such huge waste pressure, there is reason to believe that the waste treatment industry will become a star industry in the country in the future.

According to the "Technical Requirements for the Collection and Utilization of Bulky Waste", bulky waste refers to waste that weighs more than 5 kilograms or has a volume greater than 0.2 cubic meters or a length that exceeds one meter and is highly integrated and needs to be dismantled for reuse or processing, including Old furniture, used sofas, mattresses, tables and chairs, branches, etc., decoration waste, etc.

The problem of bulky waste disposal is solved by the shredder

Characteristics of bulky waste
1. Large in size and covering a wide area;
2. Strong integrity and low value;
3. Lack of public services;
4. Cannot be directly incinerated

1. Affect environmental health;
2. Occupy land resources and access roads;
3. Easily cause fire

Randomly discarding large pieces of garbage on the side of the road, in corners of communities, in building passages, etc., not only affects the sanitary environment of the street, affects the travel of other residents, and causes safety hazards; it is also a violation of relevant laws and regulations, and individuals They will face a fine of not more than 200 yuan, and the unit will be fined not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan. Now many urban residents can call the sanitation station of the town or street in their jurisdiction. Each community generally has temporary storage points for bulky garbage. Residents can put bulky garbage at designated collection points on their own. To find a professional bulky waste treatment plant, you can hand over the bulky waste to the bulky waste treatment plant for processing by phone, APP, etc.

The bulky waste disposal system enters the coarse shredder from the metal chain plate conveyor. The coarse shredder first shreds the bulky waste into smaller sizes, and then shreds the bulky waste into smaller sizes after being shredded twice by the fine shredder. The metal materials are then selected by the magnetic separator. The metal materials are automatically discharged into the collection box through the magnetic separator, and the remaining materials are transported by the belt conveyor. The entire production line can be equipped with a professional dust reduction system, an intelligent monitoring and control protection system for the shredder, and is finally sent to the terminal disposal site by a cleaning truck or mobile compression truck, achieving effective volume reduction, reasonable classification, and convenient transfer of large solid waste.

Project benefits:
1. Increase landfill utilization rate
2. Reduce compression truck load
3. Improve the appearance of the city
4. Waste turns into fuel
5. Waste iron wire can be re-smelted
6. Save human resources
7. Save transportation costs

Shredder pre-treatment plays a role in municipal solid waste treatment

China produces nearly 150 million tons of municipal waste every year, and the cumulative stockpile has reached 7 billion tons. Under this huge pressure, how to reduce waste emissions, turn waste into treasure, and realize resource recycling of waste is an important task for our country. An important topic in waste disposal and modern urban management.

Shredding urban domestic waste with a shredder is one of the effective ways of garbage disposal and an important link in implementing the project of processing garbage and recycling it. The pyrolysis and gasification of municipal solid waste can not only solve the increasingly serious problem of It can not only solve the garbage problem, but also make the products after garbage treatment become fuel, making municipal solid waste the main recycling energy source, so that the processing of municipal solid waste can be resource-based and truly turn waste into treasure.

Kowloon environmentally friendly domestic waste shredder is driven by hydraulic or motor. It is customized for domestic waste. The crushing particle size basically covers all process needs of domestic waste disposal. The shredding particle size is uniform, the output is high, and the equipment is stable. It is an ideal way to reduce domestic waste. A must-have product for diversification and resource utilization.

Application areas
The harmlessness, reduction, and resource utilization of conventional domestic waste such as primary domestic waste, stale domestic waste, waste paper, plastics, kitchen waste, and wood are an important part of urban management. Garbage shredding pretreatment technology plays an important role in subsequent sorting, incineration and landfill.