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Why build a Domestic Waste Sorting Center?

Article published:2023-10-10

Why build a Domestic Waste Sorting Center?
What are the functions of the Household waste sorting center?

The necessity of building domestic waste sorting center
1. The need to protect the ecological environment
Improper disposal of domestic waste will cause great harm to water bodies, atmosphere, soil, ecosystems and human health. Domestic waste is usually disposed of by landfill or incineration, which not only occupies a large amount of land, but also produces secondary pollution such as odor and smoke. Household waste disposal sites are often not accepted by the public due to the NIMBY effect. The establishment of a domestic waste classification system can not only avoid improper disposal of domestic waste and recover most of the valuable resources of domestic waste, but also greatly reduce the amount and disposal sites of domestic waste. The reduction effect is significant, and its social benefits and The environmental benefits are immeasurable, and it is a revolutionary measure that will serve the present generation and benefit the future.

2. Respond to the needs of national policies
On December 21, 2016, when General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 14th meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group to study the “13th Five-Year Plan” outline, he clearly stated that the universal implementation of the garbage classification system is related to the improvement of the living environment of more than 1.3 billion people and is related to the garbage collection. Can it be reduced, recycled, and disposed of harmlessly? It is necessary to speed up the establishment of a garbage disposal system that includes classified placement, collection, transportation, and disposal, and form a garbage classification system that is based on the rule of law, promoted by the government, participated by all the people, coordinated between urban and rural areas, and adapted to local conditions.

Why build a Domestic Waste Sorting Center?

On March 30, 2017, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on forwarding the "Implementation Plan for the Domestic Waste Classification System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The "Plan" clarifies that a total of 46 cities, including municipalities, provincial capitals, and cities specifically designated in the state plan, have been designated as the first batch of domestic waste classification demonstration cities.

On June 6, 2019, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments issued a notice on comprehensively launching domestic waste classification work in cities at the prefecture level and above across the country. The notice stated that on the basis of pilot trials in 46 key cities including municipalities, provincial capitals, and cities under separate state planning, it was decided to comprehensively launch domestic waste classification work in cities at the prefecture level and above nationwide starting from 2019.

3. Solve the need for bulky waste that is difficult to transport
The bulky waste discarded by urban residents is mostly discarded living furniture and office furniture. It is large in size, low in value, and difficult to dismantle manually. It cannot be directly compressed and transported by existing transfer stations. After the bulky garbage is processed by this project, 90% of the material particle size is less than 300mm, which meets the requirements for compression and transfer and solves the problem of bulky garbage transfer.

Household waste disposal has always been one of the stubborn problems that plagues urban development. With the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of residents' consumption levels, the growth rate of domestic waste generation has remained high, and the phenomenon of garbage siege needs to be solved urgently. Bulky waste is a type of domestic waste that is difficult to dispose of. It is inconvenient to clean and transport, the transportation cost is high, and regular sanitation has not included this waste in the collection and transportation system. In order to solve the problem of garbage siege and respond to government policy calls, there is an urgent need for bulky waste treatment solutions to realize resource utilization, reduction and harmless disposal of bulky waste. Due to the large size and heavy weight of bulky waste, in order to reduce costs and take into account the practicality of the equipment, the equipment solution needs to be intelligent, minimize labor, ensure safe operation, and meet environmental protection standards, and effectively solve the current problem of bulky waste!

4. The need to develop a circular economy
Domestic waste refers to solid waste generated in daily life in the city or in activities that provide services to daily life in the city. Its composition is complex and diverse, including a considerable amount of valuable waste such as metals, plastics, glass, and fibers that have recycling value. Therefore, garbage is often said to be misplaced wealth and resources.

By carrying out the work of classified placement, collection, transportation and treatment of domestic waste, the valuable resources in domestic waste can be fully recovered and regenerated through appropriate processes, greatly reducing the impact of people's production and life on the surrounding ecological environment. Influence. Therefore, the establishment of a domestic waste sorting center is the only way to develop a circular economy and establish a sustainable development industrial chain.

5. The need to spread environmental protection concepts
Green waters and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver. The maintenance of green waters and green mountains cannot be separated from the active participation of every ordinary person. Vigorously spreading the concept of green environmental protection, broadly gathering social consensus on environmental protection, and improving the environmental literacy of ordinary people can effectively create a good atmosphere for the whole society to participate in the construction of ecological civilization. The construction of a comprehensive environmental service supporting project for domestic waste classification will help strengthen the publicity and education of ecological civilization to citizens through environmental protection examples, and help drive students, families, businesses, communities and even the entire society to participate in the environmental education base. Through environmental protection actions, it will help enhance each citizen's sense of ownership and responsibility, strive to be a propagandist, practitioner and promoter of environmental protection, and lay a solid foundation for establishing a new social trend of ecological protection and jointly building an ecologically civilized home. Base.

The role and function of Household waste sorting center
1. Bulky waste splitting function
It is mainly used to process large-sized waste such as doors, windows, sofas, furniture, and textiles in domestic waste; it recovers plastics, metals and other recyclable materials in the waste through crushing, dismantling, screening, etc., and the remaining parts are compressed and transported outside for disposal.

2. Kitchen waste processing function
It mainly dehydrates the transported food waste, transports the dehydrated solids for incineration, and the liquid phase enters the sewage treatment system for treatment and is discharged into pipes.

3. Temporary storage function
Set up temporary storage devices for waste fabrics, hazardous waste, paper, glass, metal, paper, etc., which will be collected and processed regularly by professional recycling and disposal companies.

4. Missionary function
The sorting center is equipped with a waste reduction and classification education platform, which serves as an important carrier for waste reduction and classification education to party and government agencies at all levels, enterprises, institutions, and schools. It aims to increase residents’ participation in waste reduction and classification through publicity and guidance. Create a good atmosphere where garbage is sorted and everyone is responsible.