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How to reduce the noise caused by the use of shredder blades?

Article published:2023-10-11

How to reduce the noise caused by the use of shredder blades?

The shredder blade will produce noise when used, mainly due to the vibration and sound waves generated by the friction and collision of the blade when cutting paper or other materials. This kind of noise is a disturbance and burden to users and the surrounding environment.

To reduce the noise of the shredder blade when using it, you can start from the following aspects:

Choose a low-noise shredder: When purchasing a shredder, choose a product that is designed to operate with low noise. Some manufacturers will mark the noise level of the product in the product description, or you can refer to the reviews and feedback of other users. Choosing a low-noise shredder can reduce the possibility of noise generation from the source.

How to reduce the noise caused by the use of shredder blades?

Add sound insulation measures: Sound insulation and sound-absorbing materials can be added around the shredder to reduce noise transmission. For example, pasting sound-absorbing wallpaper and sound-absorbing floor materials on the walls and floors can effectively reduce the reflection and diffusion of noise. In addition, a soundproof box can be used to wrap the entire shredder to reduce noise scattering.

Maintenance and maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance of the shredder can reduce the friction and collision between the blade and the material, thereby reducing the generation of noise. Cleaning dust and paper debris from blades and cutting parts to keep them flat and sharp can help reduce noise.

Control the use environment: When using the shredder, you can take some measures to control the use environment and reduce noise interference. For example, when using it, try to avoid using it in noise-sensitive areas, or choose a relatively soundproof place for use. In addition, you can choose to use the shredder when the noise is low, or negotiate the use time with the people around you to minimize the interference to others.