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Kowloon Machinery's technology has been upgraded to meet more customers' demands for quality

Article published:2024-03-20

Kowloon Machinery's technology has been upgraded to meet more customers' demands for quality

In the era of Industry 4.0, the equipment manufacturing industry is undergoing digital transformation and change. The technology iteration cycle is getting shorter and shorter, and a series of new processes, new technologies, and new equipment are constantly emerging. As the demand for diversified scrap metal disposal increases, traditional metal disposal equipment is gradually replaced by new equipment, and the performance of metal disposal equipment is continuously optimized and upgraded. In order to further adapt to new changes in the market and meet new market demands, Kowloon Machinery Technology focuses on the field of scrap metal resource disposal, actively adapts to market development trends, accelerates product upgrading and transformation and upgrading, and transforms into intelligent equipment manufacturing, gradually forming a number of high-end scrap metal Metal disposal products and systems to further enhance comprehensive competitiveness. Through market research and on-site project inspections, Kowloon Machinery Technology continues to increase product technology and truly thinks about what customers think and knows what customers need. Therefore, a new generation of double-shaft metal shredders came into being! From appearance to structure, from the whole to details, from performance to configuration, the double-shaft metal shredder as a whole reflects Kowloon Machinery Technology’s commitment to product upgrades and technological innovation. Confidence and determination.

After integrating customer needs and the advantages and disadvantages of each series of models, the new generation of double-shaft metal shredder has carried out a number of optimization and upgrades on the basis of the original equipment to meet customers' requirements for higher quality products and further help customers create better products. Multiple values. In terms of appearance design, the dual-shaft metal shredder version 2.0 follows the basic characteristics of previous shredders in design. The shape is clean and intuitive, and the craftsmanship is exquisite and delicate, giving people a strong, majestic and exquisite visual experience. From the whole to the details, the processing of the body, lines, colors, craftsmanship, etc. are just right, making people feel natural and comfortable. The edges and lines of the equipment are processed to be more rounded and smooth, and the edges can be designed in a certain arc shape to make the overall appearance more streamlined and rounded. The arc design is more stable than the square appearance, and the personnel It can minimize scratches when touching the device. As a new generation of double-shaft metal shredder, this product has been greatly improved in terms of overall machine reliability, working condition applicability, crushing efficiency and other aspects. The new generation of double-shaft metal shredder is positioned as high-end and energy-saving, while taking into account stability and environmental protection.

Kowloon Machinery's technology has been upgraded to meet more customers' demands for quality

What are the usual parts and components that can be made from recycled aluminum?

The metal aluminum obtained by remelting and refining scrap aluminum and scrap aluminum alloys generated in production and daily life is called recycled aluminum. Due to the huge advantages of the production and processing of recycled aluminum in terms of resources, energy and environmental protection, it is developing very rapidly and is increasingly replacing primary aluminum and becoming an important part of the modern aluminum industry. With the sustained and rapid development of my country's economic construction, the aluminum industry will become more rational in terms of resource utilization and industrial structure, and the production, processing and application of recycled aluminum are entering a period of rapid growth. Experts predict that in the next ten years, my country's recycled aluminum industry will develop faster than the primary aluminum industry, and the consumption growth rate of recycled aluminum is expected to significantly exceed that of primary aluminum. Therefore, the related process technology, equipment level and product quality need to be improved urgently.

Like commonly used materials such as steel and copper, recycled aluminum after being processed by a metal shredder can be made into aluminum and aluminum alloys, which can be used to make various mechanical parts and components, such as various fasteners, Welding equipment, equipment and machine tool parts, construction and daily hardware, etc. But the application scenarios are different from the first two. Among fasteners, there are various standard aluminum bolts, screws, studs, nuts and washers, etc. Its varieties and specifications are the same as those of steel standard fasteners. They are often used with aluminum mechanical parts to avoid the hazards of electrochemical corrosion. These aluminum universal fasteners can be manufactured using a variety of aluminum alloys. For those with higher shear strength requirements, aluminum alloys such as LY12 or Lcg can be used. Aluminum rivets are also a versatile fastener. It is suitable for occasions where two thin-walled parts are riveted into a whole. It has a wide range of uses and is very convenient to use. Commonly used types include solid or tubular general rivets, open or closed blind rivets, core strike rivets and other types. Other new varieties include aviation rivets, double-drum blind rivets, ring groove rivets and other new varieties. When aluminum rivets are used, in addition to general rivets that need to work on both sides of the workpiece at the same time, core-blown rivets and core-hit rivets only need to work on one side. It only needs a hand hammer to hit, and it is very easy to use. Aluminum and aluminum alloy welding rods and wires are also one of the commonly used materials in the machinery manufacturing department. The former is mainly used for manual arc welding and welding repair; the latter is mainly used for dry hydrogen arc welding and gas welding of aluminum mechanical parts, but flux should be used when using it.

What are the differences between raw aluminum and scrap aluminum?

Raw aluminum is a limited resource, while scrap aluminum is a sustainable resource. Aluminum ore is mined from the ground, undergoes beneficiation, mining, sintering, and is converted into aluminum water and rolled into aluminum products. After its useful value is exhausted, it enters human society and will never return to nature and become ore. At present, the total proven basic reserves of iron ore are about 350 billion tons. The reserves available for mining are about 150 billion tons. In recent years, the mining volume of aluminum ore has been more than 1 billion tons every year. In 2008, the output of crude aluminum was 1.3 billion tons, and the consumption of aluminum ore exceeded 1.5 billion tons. Based on this calculation, the amount of aluminum ore available is After mining for 100 to 200 years, the prospects of aluminum ore have attracted much attention and worry from mankind. my country's basic reserves of aluminum ore resources are about 50 billion tons, and the mineable reserves are about 21 billion tons. The annual mining volume of aluminum ore in our country is calculated as 700-800 million tons. Based on this, our country's iron ore can only be mined for 30-50 years, and the situation we face is very severe. The aluminum processed by the scrap aluminum crusher can replace iron ore for steelmaking production, which is a good choice!

scrap aluminum crusher
Scrap aluminum is a renewable resource and can be recycled. Using 1 ton of scrap aluminum to smelt metal can save 2 to 3 tons of aluminum ore and reduce the mining volume of primary ore by 4 to 5 tons. Scrap aluminum is a renewable resource, which is recycled and accumulated every 8 to 30 years from aluminum smelting → aluminum rolling → aluminum materials → products → use → scrap → steelmaking → aluminum rolling. (The scrapping cycle of general aluminum products is 8 to 30 years), continuously produced and recycled, with low natural loss and high utilization rate. Especially in my country, not only is the amount of aluminum ore resources small, but also there are many poor ores. 97% of the proven reserves are poor ores. The average iron grade is about 30%, which is 20 percentage points lower than the average iron grade; some proven reserves are difficult to mine and utilize due to complex conditions; and some iron ores have complex compositions and are associated with many harmful elements. However, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the development of the steel industry, hundreds of millions of tons of scrap aluminum were buried underground and piled up into mountains of slag. Moreover, in the future, there will still be a considerable amount of waste from the aluminum production and processing industry, scrapped equipment, demolished buildings, household appliances and living utensils that need to be replaced every year, and scrap aluminum will continue to be generated. At the same time, foreign industrially developed countries export a certain amount of scrap aluminum every year. Developing my country's own scrap aluminum industry and making full use of domestic and foreign scrap steel resources are the future development directions of the aluminum industry.