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Zhengzhou City Interim Measures for the Recycling and Utilization of Waste Fabrics

Article published:2024-02-28

Zhengzhou City Interim Measures for the Recycling and Utilization of Waste Fabrics

Article 1 In order to improve the standardization and standardization level of waste fabric recycling in Zhengzhou City, establish and improve the supervision system of separate collection and transportation of waste fabrics, and promote the recycling and reuse of waste fabrics, these measures are specially formulated.

Article 2 These measures apply to the relevant business activities of waste fabric recycling enterprises and comprehensive utilization enterprises within the administrative area of Zhengzhou City.

Article 3 The term "waste fabrics" as mentioned in these Measures refers to clothing and household fabrics that are no longer used in residents' daily lives.

Article 4 The municipal urban management administrative department (hereinafter referred to as the municipal competent department) is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the recycling of waste fabrics in the city.

The district urban management administrative department (hereinafter referred to as the district competent department) is responsible for the recycling and utilization of waste fabrics within the jurisdiction, tracks and manages the recycling, transportation, temporary storage, sorting, storage, etc. of waste fabrics in the jurisdiction throughout the process, and establishes and improves collection, transportation and processing Ledger.

Sub-district offices (townships and towns) are responsible for the installation of waste fabric recycling bins within their jurisdiction. Article 5 Basic requirements for the operation of waste fabric recycling enterprises:

1. Have corporate legal personality;

2. Have enough waste fabric transportation vehicles (new energy vehicles should be used) to meet the timely collection and transportation requirements of the service scope (not less than 2 vehicles). Transport vehicles should be equipped with driving and loading and unloading recorders and connected to the information platform of the competent department;

3. Have necessary sorting, cleaning and disinfection, metering, and fire-fighting facilities and equipment;

4. Before the district-level household waste sorting center is completed and put into operation, waste fabric recycling enterprises should have fixed business premises in or around the city. The business premises should comply with the relevant regulations for the temporary storage of waste fabrics, and the site area should not be less than 1000 square meters.

Article 6 Waste fabric recycling enterprises shall meet the following requirements when setting up waste fabric recycling bins:

1. Waste fabric recycling enterprises that set up waste fabric recycling bins should file a record with the competent department;

2. An independent residential area should be equipped with at least one waste fabric recycling bin. When the number of households in the service area of the recycling bin exceeds 500, the number can be increased according to the actual generation of waste fabrics;

3. Waste fabric recycling bins should be set up in residential areas where residents gather together or next to entrances and exits with a large flow of people, and should not block fire safety passages;

4. Waste fabric recycling companies should regularly maintain recycling bins, and damaged ones should be replaced in time; 5. Waste fabric recycling bins should meet technical requirements.

Article 7 Waste fabric recycling enterprises should do the following when recycling waste fabrics:

1. Waste fabric recycling companies should provide free appointment recycling services to residential area property service companies or management responsible units, and collect waste fabrics in recycling bins regularly, with the collection frequency not less than once every two weeks;

2. Waste fabric recycling personnel should dress uniformly and wear work IDs;

3. Waste fabric recycling enterprises should transport waste fabrics in a closed manner, and transportation vehicles should meet technical requirements, and new energy vehicles should be used;

4. Waste fabric recycling enterprises should record the source, destination, quantity and weight of waste fabrics, as well as the model, license plate number and other information of the transport vehicle, and report to the competent authorities regularly;

5. Public welfare donations of waste fabrics should strictly comply with the relevant regulations of the civil affairs department;

6. Waste fabric recycling enterprises should collect waste fabrics contaminated with blood stains, radioactive substances, and used by people with severe infectious diseases collected from waste fabric recycling boxes as hazardous waste, and transport them separately to urban hazardous waste treatment facilities for treatment and disposal.

Article 8 The temporary storage place for waste fabrics should be equipped with necessary shelters such as exterior walls and ceilings, and should be kept ventilated, dry, and moisture-proof. Environmental protection measures such as anti-scattering and anti-leakage should be taken, and fire safety and lightning protection equipment should be installed in accordance with relevant requirements. .

Article 9 Temporarily stored waste fabrics should be sorted regularly, and the temporary storage period should not exceed one month. Sorting personnel should wear uniforms and masks when working to ensure the health and safety of sorting personnel. Waste fabrics are mainly sorted according to the degree of damage, pollution, utilization value, etc.:

1. Waste fabrics with small degree of damage, low pollution and reuse value should be cleaned and disinfected according to relevant regulations before reuse. Change the original physical form and use it directly);

2. Waste fabrics that are severely damaged but have recycling value should be cleaned and disinfected according to relevant regulations before being reused (recycling is the process of processing waste fabrics so that they can be reused as raw materials);

3. Waste fabrics that are seriously damaged and polluted and cannot be reused or recycled should be transported to domestic waste incineration or sanitary landfill facilities for treatment and disposal. It is prohibited to transport waste fabrics directly to domestic waste incineration or sanitary landfill facilities for treatment and disposal without approval from the competent authorities.

Article 10 Waste fabric recycling enterprises should display the sorted waste fabrics in categories and set corresponding text and graphic signs in prominent locations. Stored waste fabrics should be cleaned up in time.

Article 11 Waste fabrics should be cleaned and disinfected for reuse and recycling. Waste fabrics can be cleaned by thousand-type cleaning or wet cleaning. Dust removal measures should be taken during dry cleaning, and the collected dust and cleaning residues should be treated harmlessly; wastewater treatment devices should be equipped during wet cleaning. The disinfection of waste fabrics can use methods such as ultraviolet light, steam, disinfectant soaking, etc. The hygienic quality of waste fabrics after disinfection should meet the health and epidemic prevention requirements and the technical requirements specified in GB/T32479. The wastewater generated by wet cleaning and disinfectant immersion disinfection should meet the discharge requirements specified in GB/T31962 after treatment.

Article 12 These measures will be interpreted by the Zhengzhou Domestic Waste Classification Promotion Leading Group Office and will come into effect on August 1, 2019.